Friday, December 20, 2013

Saying Goodbye . . . Officially a College Graduate

The ride on the metro north train from Pleasantvlle to Fordham . . . possibly for the last time was strangely emotional today.

It's officially over--my undergraduate career, my time at Pace University, my place at the Writing Center, my connection to my boss, professors, and close friends are over.

I finished my last shift today at 2pm and for an hour I was torn between pride at my endless accomplishments, glee at finally leaving Pace, and sorrow at what or more accurately who I was leaving behind. Saying goodbye to my boss (aka was more difficult than I could ever imagine. I hadn't realized how important, vital even, my position as a Writing Consultant had become to me. Not the work itself, which was incredibly meaningful, but the feelings of being a part of such a special group of individuals.

As I looked upon the Pleasantville campus for maybe the last time, reminiscing at how much of the last four and a half years of my life had been rooted there, I became defenseless against the tears. As much as I complained about Pace, I can't deny that I met some amazing people there; I became a more confident me there; I became a leader there; I became a teacher there; I grew up there--into the adult me ready (mostly) to tackle the world in hopes of making it a better place. For that, I sincerely thank everyone I've had the immense pleasure (or displeasure) of meeting during my time as a dual Adolescent Education and English major at Pace University, Pleasantville campus.

A bittersweet adieu. It's been real, yo.


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